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Request for Bid

Date: September 20, 2024


Tazwood Community Services, Inc. is currently accepting bids for snow removal services for plowing and salting the parking lot for our office located at 610 Park Ave., Pekin, IL 61554. The most advantageous bidder based on pricing will receive the contract that will be in effect from November 1, 2024 – April 30, 2025. If you would like to have a draft copy of the contract emailed to you for review, please call the office during business hours. TCSI reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or to accept any proposal or part of a proposal which in its judgement will be in the best interest of the agency.


Upon being awarded the contract, the approved bidder must provide the following documents:


1. Proof of Business Ownership - must be licensed for operations in the State of Illinois

          - If your business is an LLC or Corporation, it must also be in Good Standing with the Secretary of State of Illinois

2. Proof of Business Insurance - must meet minimum requirement outlined in the contract

3. Provide Tazwood Community Services, Inc. with a W-9

4. Signed Contract


Bids are due in the office by close of business October 18, 2024, via U.S. Mail or delivered in a sealed envelope to:
Tazwood Community Services, Inc.
Snow Removal Procurement
610 Park Ave.
Pekin, IL 61554


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